What Are Standing Domestic Relations Orders?

When you file for divorce in Georgia, the court will issue automatic domestic standing orders that will apply to you and your spouse for as long as your case is pending. These orders are designed to protect both parties from conduct such as a spouse disposing of marital assets while the divorce is in process.

At The Siemon Law Firm, our lawyers are here to protect your interests if you are going through a divorce in Georgia. Call 770-888-5120 today and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced and compassionate family law lawyers. We’re conveniently located, with four office locations across the greater Atlanta area.

Domestic Standing Orders In Fulton County

Every county in Georgia has its own standing orders. An example of the automatic domestic standing orders for Fulton County is provided in the client forms section of this website. Fulton County’s are among the most complete in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

For example, in Fulton County, you and your spouse are prohibited from:

  • Removing minor children from jurisdiction of the court
  • Harming, harassing or threatening the other spouse or the children
  • Disposing of or removing marital property
  • Changing or terminating insurance coverage

You will also be required to:

  • Complete a domestic intake worksheet and return it to the court. This worksheet will provide financial and other information to the court.
  • Attend a Families in Transition workshop if you have children

Contact Our Divorce Attorneys In Greater Atlanta

Whether you are planning for a divorce or you need to respond to a divorce filing by your spouse, our lawyers are here to advise you. Please contact us today at 770-888-5120 and arrange a personal, discreet consultation.