Marietta Alimony Lawyers Protecting Your Rights & Your Assets

For most divorcing spouses, the idea of spousal support can be scary. If you are the spouse with lower income, you might be afraid that you won’t get the money you need to maintain a decent standard of living. If you are the spouse with the higher income, you could be afraid that the payment requirements will be unfairly high.

At The Siemon Law Firm, we can help protect your financial interests. From our Marietta office, our lawyers represent clients throughout Cobb County, Georgia. Cobb County is much like any county in Georgia, in that the spousal support determination is highly subjective, which makes it critical to work with an experienced team of lawyers to help you through the process.

Establishing Spousal Support Payments

Spousal support (often called “alimony”) can be determined either through the courts in a traditional litigation process, or through the mediation process that occurs before the trial. Either way, the judge will have to approve the spousal support arrangement.

The goal of spousal support is to ensure that the lower-income spouse is able to enjoy a similar standard of living as when the parties were married, as closely as possible. There are many factors that can influence these determinations, making the involvement of a skilled attorney invaluable for a positive outcome.

Past-Due Support Payments

After the spousal support determination is made, the paying spouse still needs to literally make the monthly payments. There are a few methods for making the other spouse pay, and our lawyers have experience enforcing spousal support payments.

Modifying Spousal Support Orders

When the life circumstances for one or both of the spouses change significantly, it becomes necessary to petition the court for a spousal support modification. Our lawyers know how to craft a petition that will succeed, or we can contest a petition for modification.

Spousal support is an important part of your divorce or separation. Our lawyers understand how critical this determination is for you financial future, so we will fight for your interests.

Contact Us

Call an attorney from our firm today at 770-888-5120 or contact us online.